Bricks: The page builder of choice for websolutionONE – Here’s why

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Many website developers and designers are constantly seeking the best tools to streamline their workflow and create visually stunning websites effortlessly. In WordPress page builders, Bricks Builder has emerged as a powerhouse, offering a plethora of features that have solidified its position as WordPress’ best all-around page builder. With transformative updates in 2024, the game now is to maintain momentum and continue to innovate. As we investigate into why Bricks stands out as the top choice for websolutionONE, we’ll explore its standout features, potential for growth, and the roadmap for future developments that could propel it even further ahead of the competition.

Bricks: The page builder of choice for websolutionONE – Here’s why

Many in the web development industry are recognizing the transformative potential of Bricks Builder, solidifying its position as the best all-around page builder for WordPress websites. At websolutionONE, Bricks has become the go-to tool for building dynamic and visually stunning websites with unmatched features and functionality. The team at websolutionONE has leveraged Bricks’ ability to work with any dynamic data, comprehensive global class and component management, and plethora of ready-made modules that offer complete composability for a seamless website building experience. With a team dedicated to modernizing the UI and improving workflows, Bricks has proven to be the ultimate choice for websolutionONE’s projects.

Ease of Use

Drag-and-Drop Functionality

To ensure an intuitive user experience, Bricks incorporates a seamless drag-and-drop functionality that enables users to easily rearrange and customize elements on their webpages. With the ability to effortlessly drag elements such as text boxes, images, and buttons, users can quickly create visually appealing layouts without the need for complex coding knowledge.

Real-Time Editing


It allows users to make instant changes to their website content and design, observing the modifications in real-time. This feature eliminates the need for constant saving and refreshing, providing a smooth and efficient editing process. Bricks Builder’s real-time editing feature streamlines the website development workflow, enabling users to see the impact of their changes instantly and make adjustments on the fly.

Global Class & Variable Manager

Clearly, the implementation of a Global Class & Variable Manager in Bricks Builder would be a game-changer in terms of design consistency and efficiency. This feature would streamline the process of managing classes, allowing users to easily rename, sort, search, and organize their styling elements. With the current challenges in class management within Bricks, such as horizontal scrolling, layout shifts, and the lack of organization and grouping options, the introduction of a comprehensive class manager is vital for enhancing user experience.

Centralised Design Consistency

Centralised design consistency is crucial for maintaining a cohesive and professional look across a website built with Bricks. The Global Class & Variable Manager would empower users to efficiently apply and manage styling elements throughout their site, ensuring a uniform aesthetic. By providing tools for renaming, sorting, and organizing classes, this feature will greatly enhance the overall design workflow and contribute to a more polished and coherent end result.

Dynamic Content Integration

To further enhance the capabilities of Bricks Builder, the integration of dynamic content elements is key. This feature would enable users to seamlessly incorporate diverse types of content, such as posts, taxonomies, and custom fields, into their designs. By offering flexibility in working with dynamic data, Bricks would empower users to create engaging and personalized web experiences that cater to the unique needs of their projects.

Class managers are the backbone of maintaining design consistency in any web development tool. A robust Global Class & Variable Manager in Bricks would elevate the platform’s usability and efficiency, allowing users to effectively manage styling elements and ensure a cohesive visual identity throughout their website projects. This vital feature would streamline design processes and empower users to create professional and visually appealing websites with ease.

Flexibility and Customization

“Partially Synced Patterns” Feature

For Bricks Builder users, the upcoming “Partially Synced Patterns” feature is set to revolutionize the way content is managed and styled within the builder. This concept allows for separating the content of a block from its styling and HTML, offering users exceptional global control and maintainability. By implementing this feature, Bricks Builder is poised to elevate its functionality to a level above the competition, providing users with unprecedented flexibility in creating and managing their website layouts.

Extensive Customization Options

Extensive customization options are at the core of Bricks Builder’s appeal, offering users the ability to tailor their websites to their precise specifications. With features like dynamic data support, global components, and a global class manager, users have the tools needed to create truly unique and personalized websites. The addition of a class and variable manager further enhances the customization capabilities of the builder, allowing for efficient organization and styling of website elements.

The flexibility provided by Bricks Builder’s extensive customization options empowers users to create visually stunning and highly functional websites tailored to their specific needs. With a focus on user-friendly design and powerful customization tools, Bricks Builder stands out as the premier choice for website creation and design.

Advanced Interface Features

Many advanced interface features make Bricks Builder a standout choice for websolutionONE users. Here are some key features to enhance your website building experience:

Multi-Select via Canvas & Structure PanelResponsive Design Controls

Multi-Select via Canvas & Structure Panel

Features like multi-select via the canvas and structure panel in Bricks Builder allow users to efficiently manipulate multiple elements simultaneously. This functionality streamlines the editing process, saving time and effort. Users can easily select and edit various elements at once, enhancing workflow efficiency.

Responsive Design Controls

Controls for responsive design in Bricks Builder empower users to create websites that look great on any device. With responsive design controls, users can adjust layouts, fonts, and other design elements to ensure a seamless user experience across different screen sizes. This feature is vital for modern websites, as mobile responsiveness is a key factor in user engagement and search engine rankings.

With responsive design controls in Bricks Builder, users can easily customize their website’s appearance for optimal performance on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This feature offers flexibility and versatility in design, allowing users to create stunning, responsive websites with ease.

Integration and Compatibility

External API Support for Query Loops

Your use of Bricks Builder is about to get even more powerful with the upcoming support for external API queries. This feature will elevate Bricks to a whole new level by allowing you to seamlessly integrate data from external sources, expanding your capabilities beyond the confines of WordPress. Imagine being able to pull in data from various APIs to create dynamic and engaging websites effortlessly. This enhancement will not only streamline your workflow but also open up a world of possibilities for your web projects. Keep an eye out for this feature as it rolls out, as it will significantly enhance your website-building experience.

Third-Party Plugin Compatibility

Your ability to integrate Bricks Builder with third-party plugins will further enhance the flexibility and functionality of your websites. Being able to seamlessly work with external plugins broadens the range of features and tools at your disposal, allowing you to create truly dynamic and customized websites. This compatibility ensures that you can leverage the strengths of various plugins alongside Bricks, enhancing the overall performance of your sites. By effortlessly integrating with third-party plugins, Bricks Builder solidifies its position as a versatile and robust page builder for web developers.

Another aspect to consider is how seamless integration with third-party plugins can enhance the overall user experience and functionality of your websites. By leveraging the strengths of external plugins alongside Bricks Builder, you can access a wide range of features and tools that cater to specific needs and requirements. This compatibility not only expands the capabilities of your websites but also ensures smooth functionality and enhanced performance across various aspects of web development.

Enhanced User Experience

Unified Canvas

For a streamlined and efficient editing experience, Bricks Builder is set to introduce a groundbreaking feature known as Unified Canvas. With this innovative tool, users will have the ability to seamlessly transition from managing separate canvases per URL to working on a single, unified canvas. This new approach will revolutionize the way users navigate and interact with their web pages, providing a birds-eye view of all content and allowing for easier editing and content management. The Unified Canvas feature aims to enhance workflow efficiency and overall user experience within the Bricks Builder platform.

Sky View

With the upcoming Sky View feature, Bricks Builder users can expect a dynamic and visual way to oversee their website content. This tool will allow users to activate a Sky View mode, presenting a full-height thumbnail gallery of all published and draft pages on the site. By selecting pages from this gallery, users can swiftly navigate to specific pages for editing, creating a more intuitive and visually appealing editing process. Sky View is designed to offer users a comprehensive and organized view of their website’s layout, further enhancing the overall editing experience.

This innovative feature will provide users with a unique perspective on their website structure and content, empowering them to make informed editing decisions and streamline their workflow with ease.

Performance and SEO

Clean Code Structure

All websites built with Bricks benefit from a clean code structure that enhances performance and SEO. This is crucial for site speed and search engine rankings. Any developer knows that clean code not only improves user experience but also makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index the site. With Bricks’ emphasis on clean code structure, websites built with this page builder are well-positioned for optimal performance and SEO.

Built-in SEO Tools

Bricks not only offers a clean code structure but also provides built-in SEO tools that give websites an edge in search engine rankings. This feature is especially valuable for businesses looking to enhance their online visibility and attract more organic traffic. With Bricks’ SEO tools, users can easily optimize their website content and improve their chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages.

Native Functionalities

Despite the numerous features offered by Bricks Builder in 2024, there are still areas where enhancements can be made to solidify its position as the best all-around page builder for WordPress. One such area is the implementation of Native Filter/Sort/Facets functionality. While this feature is already on the roadmap for Bricks Builder, the challenge lies in ensuring that it is implemented effectively to provide users with a robust and efficient system for filtering, sorting, and faceting content. This functionality is crucial for organizing and displaying content in a user-friendly and customizable manner, and Bricks Builder must prioritize the development of this feature to meet the demands of its users.

Native Filter/Sort/Facets

Functionalities: The inclusion of native filter, sort, and facet capabilities within Bricks Builder would significantly enhance the user experience and customization options for content display. This feature is necessary for users looking to organize and present their content in a structured and intuitive way. By enabling users to efficiently filter, sort, and facet their content, Bricks Builder can empower website creators to tailor their websites to meet the specific needs of their audience.

Role-Based Access Control

Control: Role-Based Access Control is a critical aspect of website management, allowing administrators to define specific permissions and access levels for different users. With Role-Based Access Control, website owners can ensure that sensitive information and functionalities are only accessible to authorized individuals. This feature enhances the security of the website and helps in maintaining a structured workflow within the organization.

Another necessary aspect of Role-Based Access Control is its ability to streamline content management and collaboration among team members. By assigning roles and permissions based on user responsibilities, website owners can ensure that tasks are distributed efficiently and that team members have access to the tools and resources necessary for their roles.

Customer Support and Community

Hands-on Customer Service

To ensure customer satisfaction and provide optimal assistance, Bricks Builder has invested heavily in its customer support infrastructure. With two developers and a UI/UX designer in the team, they offer hands-on assistance to users, guiding them through any technical challenges they may encounter. This level of personalized support sets them apart from other page builders in the market, guaranteeing a smooth user experience and effective problem resolution.

Active User Community and Forums

Forums play a vital role in the Bricks Builder ecosystem, enabling users to connect, share knowledge, and seek help from peers and experts alike. The community provides a platform for users to exchange ideas, troubleshoot issues, and collaborate on projects. This active engagement fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment among users, cementing Bricks Builder as not just a tool but a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

For instance, the forums are bustling with discussions on new features, troubleshooting tips, and best practices, creating a vibrant space for continuous learning and growth within the Bricks Builder community.

Pricing and Value Proposition

Transparent Pricing Structure

Not all page builders are created equal when it comes to pricing, but with Bricks Builder, you can rest assured that transparency is key. On the pricing front, Bricks offers a straightforward structure that ensures you are getting what you pay for without any hidden fees or surprises. This level of clarity is necessary for customers looking to invest in a long-term solution for their website building needs.

Value for Money Analysis

Pricing structure aside, analyzing the value for money that Bricks Builder provides is crucial for making an informed decision. When considering the features and capabilities offered by Bricks, it’s evident that the builder goes above and beyond to deliver top-notch functionality. The seamless integration of dynamic data, the comprehensive list of elements and components, and the upcoming features like Global Class & Variable Manager showcase a commitment to providing exceptional value to users.

Pricing aside, the real question lies in whether the features and capabilities of Bricks Builder align with your website building needs and goals. By evaluating the overall value proposition of the builder, you can confidently determine whether its offerings meet your requirements and exceed your expectations.

Final Words

Taking this into account, Bricks Builder has emerged as the top choice for websolutionONE due to its extensive features, flexibility, and the dedication of its small but efficient team. The builder’s ability to handle dynamic data, its focus on component controls, and the availability of ready-made modules make it a standout tool in the WordPress page builder market. The emphasis on modernizing the UI and improving workflow showcases Bricks Builder’s commitment to providing a seamless user experience.

With a dedicated team of three individuals working on the builder’s development – two developers and a UI/UX designer – the potential for growth and innovation within Bricks is immense. As it continues to evolve and incorporate advanced features such as a global class manager, partially synced patterns, and a unified canvas or sky view option, Bricks Builder is poised to solidify its position as the go-to page builder for websites built by websolutionONE.

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